
Thursday, December 29, 2011

[solved] sync iphone in ubuntu linux

Add a Repository

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pmcenery/ppa
and Update the Apt source list
sudo apt-get update

Install following required packages:

sudo apt-get install gvfs gvfs-backends gvfs-bin gvfs-fuse libgvfscommon0 ifuse libgpod-dev libgpod-common libiphone-utils libiphone0 python-iphone libplist++1 libplist-utils python-plist libusb-1.0-0 libusb-1.0-0-dev libusbmuxd1 usbmuxd

Edit fuse.conf file

gksudo gedit /etc/fuse.conf





Save and exit.

Modify user for Fuse so that it can Auto-mount iPhone/iPod Touch

go to “System” -> “Administration” -> “Users and Groups”,  unlock it for making changes. Then, select your username and click on “Manage Groups”.
check out for “fuse” group, double-click  it. Tick the checkbox next to your name in the new popup window. Click on OK and close all dialogs. You’re now in the “fuse” group.

Now reboot

When you are back into the session, mount the phone as:

$ ifuse /mnt/ipod/

We can also unmount using the following command

$ fusermount -u /mnt/ipod/

 Let’s prepare ipod itunes directory:

$ mkdir /mnt/ipod/iTunes_Control/Device/

Fetch your UUID (The first number, 40 characters long)

$ lsusb -v | grep -i iSerial

Then, run:
$ ipod-read-sysinfo-extended
[mountpoint here is /mnt/ipod/]

This should generate a file named iTunes_Control/Device/SysInfoExtended.
Make sure it’s not empty and should be a big plist (XML file) with a lot of information.

$ fusermount -u /mnt/ipod/
Reboot again.

Step 7.  Plug the iPod/iPhone, you should see it appear on the desktop and it should now be
  • Mounted as-is in Rhythmbox and you can add music files. (it can be slow)
  • Mounted in gtkpod but you’ll have to launch the “ifuse /mnt/ipod”.

thanks to: Geeknizer

[SOLVED] DBus error :ipad WITH UBUNTU

While plug in iPad via USB, an error window pop up with “DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply…”

you can fix this isue by geting iPad to sync with gtkpod(Rhythmbox works too) by upgrading “libimobiledevice” to the latest.

Check libimobiledevice version in System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager, it’s recommended to uninstall libimobiledevice0 if installed.

Add ppa:pmcenery/ppa and install the latest libimobiledevice1 package. 

Use the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pmcenery/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libimobiledevice1

Now, plug-in your iTouch or iPad device and it should appear in gtkpod(Rhythmbox):


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

[SOLVED] ipod - Unhandled Lockdown error(mounting issue)

Solution: Many of the ipod users cannot mount their device in ubuntu 11.10. it usually throws an error ubuntu 10.10 unhandled lockdown error -4, to fix this, execute the following line one by one in a terminal window

sudo apt-get install ifuse libimobiledevice-utilsCode:
idevicepair unpair && idevicepair pair

[SOLVED] Unity 3D not working after upgrading the system

Solution: Make sure the additional drivers for your graphics card are installed (if not install them through More Apps => Customization => Additional Drivers) then run in the terminal:
gedit /home/[Your Home Directory]/.config/compiz-1/compizconfig/config
And replace its content with:
profile =
integration = true

profile =
Log out and in again.

[SOLVED]Ubuntu 11.10 ignores the user set default applications in Settings

Solution: You can change the default application in one command. in the terminal change the default application for every extension the current app is default for. First create a backup for the file we are going to change :
sudo cp /etc/gnome/defaults.list /etc/gnome/defaults.list0

Then run:
sudo sed -i s/[current-default-app-name]/[new-default-app-name]/g /etc/gnome/defaults.list
sudo sed -i s/banshee/audacious2/g /etc/gnome/defaults.list
This will change the default music app from banshee to Audacious.

If anything goes wrong you can always switch back to the old settings using the backup we created earlier with this command:
sudo cp /etc/gnome/defaults.list0 /etc/gnome/defaults.list

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Slow wireless internet connection in ubuntu 11.10 [SOLVED]

Solution: This solution sounds to work for many people.. Give a try.. Open the terminal and run:
sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/iwlagn.conf
And change:
options iwlagn 11n_disable=1 11n_disable50=1
options iwlagn 11n_disable=1
And then reboot.. If the above file does not exists just create one and enter the line above, and then reboot..
Many people got this problem fixed after upgrading the ubuntu 11.10

Unity crahses after working with Compiz.[SOLVED]

Cause of problem: Activating some plugins in Compiz could automatically disable essential plugins that unity uses, leading to disabling it.. Resetting Unity's settiings should solve this problem.
Solution: once log out (using CTRL+ALT+DEL) and try to log in again with Unity 2D or as a guest. Get access to the terminal.. In the terminal window run:

gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-1

and then re-enable the Unity plug-in in CCSM. Or run the following code in the terminal:

unity --reset

and log out and in again (using Unity). Unity should start normally now. If it still doesn't start, go through the same steps and run this command in the terminal instead:

unity --replace

Ubuntu bootable usb

New versions of ubuntu comes with a USB creator program which can creat bootable usbs from a downloaded ISO image.

The recommended way to install Ubuntu from a USB flash drive is to use the usb-creator program, point it at a ISO image of a Ubuntu installation CD that you have downloaded, and let it create a bootable USB that you can use instead of the CD.

The process is as simple as copying a file to your usb. Follow the steps given.
1. Acquire the correct Ubuntu installation files ('the ISO') and tools
2. Put Ubuntu onto your USB flash drive
3. Configure your computer to boot from USB flash drive and boot from it
4. Try Ubuntu or install to your hard drive.

Booting from a USB flash drive will behave just as if you had booted from the install CD. It will show the language selection and then the install menu, from which you can install Ubuntu onto the computer's hard drive or launch the Live environment.

It is adviced to have wired internet access while booting from USB, as it is not certain that Ubuntu can recognise a WiFi-wireless card on the first attempt.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud

The Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC), powered by Eucalyptus.

Canonical offers ubuntu enterprise as flexible as it is highly configurable and customizable to a variety of environments.

Now, Starting with 11.10 (oneiric), Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud is replaced by Ubuntu Cloud Infrastructure, which is based on OpenStack.

If you want to experience ubuntu entyerprise cloud,You may use the following installation tutorials:

You may use the following installation tutorials:

Installation from the Installer CD

This tutorial covers UEC installation from the Ubuntu 10.04 Server Edition CD, and assumes a basic network topology, with a single system serving as the "all-in-one controller", and one or more nodes attached. This is the recommended tutorial if you want to familiarize yourself with UEC with a (relatively) simple installation.

Normal installation using the packages

This tutorial describes how to deploy UEC on already-installed Ubuntu servers in a setup similar to the default install.

Advanced installation using the packages on separate servers

Use this tutorial if you want to deploy a more complex network topology (e.g., multiple clusters, or running the required cloud services from separate physical machines).
More details

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ubuntu commonly used commands.

Hi all! Here is some useful ubuntu commands which are most commonly used among ubuntu users. Along with some commonly found issues [SOLVED] To check Installed Ubuntu version $ lsb_release -a To check Disk Space: $ df -Th To manually Upgrade Ubuntu Version Online: Press ALT+F2 , type "update-manager -d" without quotes and hit Enter(return) key. To mount an ISO image as a drive on Ubuntu: $ sudo mount -o loop  ~/Desktop/filename.iso  /media/cdrom0 To move the Minimize/Maximize/Close Buttons back the upper right corner of the window. Hit ALT - F2 Type gconf-editor Go to the following: apps --> metacity --> general Find the button_layout parameter, right click, and select Edit Key Set the value to the following: menu:minimize,maximize,close Do not forget to put the colon . "menu" is not necessary. To change screen resolution right from Command prompt: $ xrandr -s 1024*76 To change MAC address of NIC card in Ubuntu: Type following command either in /etc/rc.local file or at command prompt:       ifconfig eth0 down       ifconfig eth0 hw ether NEW_MAC_ADDR       ifconfig eth0 up To view or cancel print Job on  Unix Printer 1. Login as a user or super-user to unix computer. 2. Use "lpq -Pprinter"  command to view printer queue.     $ lpq -Ppsc011 3. Use "lprm -Pprinter [user_id] to cancel your job     $ lprm -Ppsc011 g0xyzqwe  [ Important ] Public key error while trying to run update command $ sudo apt-get update gives following error : W: GPG error: lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY D2B5F4E7C3BB95BB Solution: Take last 8 characters in the key and run following command $ gpg --keyserver --recv-keys C3BB95BB $ gpg --export -armor C3BB95BB | sudo apt-key add - To download the key on another computer and then to run on your computer : $ gpg --keyserver --recv-keys C3BB95BB $  gpg --export -armor C3BB95BB > key.asc Now Copy key.asc file on your computer and run following command: $ cat key.asc | sudo apt-key add - To reflect the changes done in ~/.bashrc file without restarting your Terminal window: $ source ~/.bashrc To get Ubuntu Command prompt: press : Ctrl + Alt + F2    or   Ctrl  +  Alt  + F5 and to get back GUI screen (Xserver): press:  Ctrl + Alt + F7 What to do if ubuntu hangs? Or how to restart Xserver: press : Ctrl + Alt + Backspace or press: Alt + Backspace This usually restarts xserver. You need to login again to the system. Using Bash History Effectively: Type the following command to get a list of all related commands with their history numbers: $ history | grep -i "search string" Once you've found the command you want, you can execute it specifically by its number $ ! How to prevent Auto Locking the computer Screen: 1. Open file "/etc/default/acpi-support" and comment following line:     # Comment this out to disable screen locking on resume      LOCK_SCREEN=true 2.  Open "System > Preferences > Screen Saver" and uncheck following option:      Lock screen when screensaver is active How to Merge Multiple PDF files into single PDF file: Steps: 1. Install two pacakeges GhostScript and PDFtk tools.  $ sudo apt-get install gs pdftk 2. Use following command to combine multiple files into single PDF file. The output file name is "singleCombinedPdfFile.pdf". The input file names are all files in the current directory, bcoz we used "*.pdf". $ gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOUTPUTFILE=singleCombinedPdfFile.pdf -dBATCH *.pdf If you want to join PDF files in specific order then you can also use file names.  $ gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOUTPUTFILE=singleCombinedPdfFile.pdf -dBATCH 1.pdf 2.pdf 3.pdf Wireless Networks: "Wireless is disabled" $ rfkill  list all You should see both the soft blocked and hard blocked as no. If either of them is yes then the connection would not be enabled. To enable type the following: $ rfkill unblock wifi Hard blocked: yes This suggests that the wireless button is not switched on.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Installing Newest version of firefox: the easiest way to run firefox from .tar.bz2 archive

Problem: I have downloaded firefox from mozilla but the file downloaded was of type firefox.tar.bz2 . the eaziest way to run firefox is given below.

Solution: This solution is for absolute beginners, all you have to to is

1. right click on the .tar.bz2 file and choose extract here, this will create a folder named "firefox".
2. Now open Terminal to the extracted folder
 -by default the folder will be in the downloads Directory

type cd /home/<username>/Downloads/firefox/ and press enter(Return). give your username in the place of <username>.

4. type ./firefox and press enter thats all.

Now, If you want to creat a shortcut of the new firefox on top pannel,

1. Right click on the pannel, choose Add to pannel.
2. Choose Custom application launcher from the menu.
3.fill the details As shown in the image.

In the command field insert the following command.


thats all your firefox is now just a click away. thank you.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

[Solved]Ubuntu 11.10 battery indicator missing

If you are using ubuntu 11.xx version , you might be wondered why the battery indicator icon is missing. a number of users reported this missing of battery icon and here is the solution for the problem.
The Above bug, or the absence of battery indicator on the upper panel is a commonly found issue with ubuntu 11.10 installations. cause of this issue is different machine to machine
There are a handful of ways to solve the battery indicator problem. and my solutions are listed below

1.  Purge and re-install indicator-power
    sudo apt-get purge indicator-power

     sudo apt-get install indicator-power

2. Change theme to  'Radiance'.or change away from Radiance,
    to  Make sure this is not an icon issue.

3.  Remove revenants from Unity if any,

  1. (get settings, for curiosity's sake)
    gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist
    (should look something like:)
    ['JavaEmbeddedFrame', 'Wine', 'scp=-dbus-service', 'Update-notifier']
    (clear whitelist)
    gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "['all']"
  4. Try an alternative battery monitor package

Friday, November 18, 2011

No Sound in Ubuntu 11.10 : SOLVED

PROBLEM: Number of users are reporting that after upgrading to ubuntu 11.10 . there is no sound at all.

Solution 1: Many of them solved it by simply updating the OS once. or at most twice. try updating it for solving the issue.

Problem still persists?. here is another solution, which is related to pulse audio.

Solution 2Deleting the /home/username/.pulse directory fixed the problem for another ones

Solution3: If you still can't hear anything from your machine try the following command,

rm -rvf ~/.pulse/

hope your sound issue is fixed

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ubuntu 11.10 problem: Waiting for network configuration : Solved

Hi all! Here is another critical problem solved.

Problem: Many of the newly installed ubuntu machines reporting the following issue. A message " Waiting for network conffiguration"  followed by “Waiting up to 60 seconds more for network”? This then might be accompanied by a black blank screen.

  • Press Ctrl+Alt+F1 at the blank screen to get you to a non-X terminal (tty1)

  • enter your username and password when prompted
  • Change to root with: sudo -i and enter your password when asked.
  • then type each of the lines followed by enter.
  • mkdir -p /run /run/lock
  • rm -rf /var/run /var/lock
  • ln -s /run /var
  • ln -s /run/lock /var
  • reboot your system and you should get your Ubuntu 11.10 back in action
refer these links to see the original fixes

thank you

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

UBUNTU 11.10 .deb file installation issues

Problem: Many of new users of ubuntu 11.10 is facing errors while installing downloaded .deb files. i don't know what is the exact issue with ubuntu 11.10, but generally it is behaving rough to .deb files i hope the problem will get fixed soon because already there are so many error reports raised in the ubuntu community. meanwhile we can install software's through ubuntu software center or via synaptic.

thank you

Ubuntu 11.10 wireless problem: Solved

Ubuntu 11.10 is awesome but the following issue is found in many installations

ProblemWhen I try to connect to the internet using wi-fi a pop-up message asks the password as usual and after I type it correctly it shows a notification box telling me that I'm disconnected. If I connect the cable directly it works perfectly

Solution: This issue is hardware dependent .most of the machines are coming with wireless device which will require installation of additional drivers, once you update the ubuntu 11.10 OS , it will start prompting you to install additional drivers for wireless device. click OK, and authenticate the request the OS will automatically find the appropriate driver. after a restart the issue will be fixed.

In many cases the problem gets fixed in the above described way, If the problem still persists
follow this link for similar solutions. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

[SOLVED]Requires installation of untrusted packages "The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources."

Requires installation of untrusted packages
"The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources."

These words made me tensed for three more days because this message is often appeared in your software center or with your synaptic. I thought I have too reintall the os to resolve this. but this problem can be solved by  executing a single line command in shell.

go to applications->accesories->terminal

and type the following line and press enter to solve this problem.

 sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver 40976EAF437D05B5

this will replace the broken keys of your authentication part and opens some repositories for getting software